
Eva Banuelos

Semester Unit Organizer and Long Plan Template

Spanish II Unit Organizer

Giving students a unit organizer in my Spanish II class was essential. It was a helpful reference tool during assessments and allowed students to easily review and study the material covered in the preliminary lesson. Also, the unit organizer helped students keep track of their progress throughout the unit.

Spanish II Semester Long Plan Template Explanation

The semester-long curriculum document was created for a Spanish II class for 10th graders. It had been carefully planned to provide a complete, structured, and diverse learning experience, focusing on the three areas of Spanish language, culture, and communication skills.

Semester Long Plan

Course: Spanish ɪɪ

Instructor: Eva Banuelos

August 10 days September 20 days October 19 days November 17 days December 12 days
Topic: Lección Preliminar
Learning Objectives: Students will discuss and apply skills in describing people, expressing preferences, identifying locations for various activities, describing emotions, discussing actions and describing future plans.
Sub-Topics Within Unit: Review of grammar: definite and indefinite articles, subject pronouns and ser o estar, adjectives, verb tener, the verb gustar, ir+a+place, regular present-tense verbs, stem changing verbs, ir+a+infinitive
Key Evidence and Experiences: Quizzes, homework, presentations.
Topic: Unidad 1: Lección 1-¡Vamos de viaje! (complete) & Unidad 1 Lección 2- Cuéntame de tus vacaciones (first part)
Learning Objectives: Unidad 1 - Lección 1 (complete): Students will discuss new places and airport facilities, applying direct object pronouns to describe vacation activities. Unidad 1 - Lección 2 (first part): Students will identify vocabulary describing vacation activities and lodging, describing past activities indoors and out of doors with classmates.
Sub-Topics Within Unit: Unidad 1- Lección 1: Learn direct object pronouns, indirect object pronouns, personal a, reading: Un parque tropical de Costa Rica. Unidad 1- Lección 2 (first part): Presentacion del vocabulario,Preterite of –ar verbs
Key Evidence and Experiences: Project, presentations, quizzes, homework.
Topic: Unidad 1: Lección 2- Cuéntame de tus vacaciones (second part) & Unidad 2: Lección 1-La Copa Mundial (first part)
Learning Objectives: Unidad 1 - Lección 2 (second part): Students will apply Spanish bargaining techniques with market vendors and describe past vacation experiences, integrating language skills and assessing their proficiency. Unidad 2 - Lección 1 (first part): Students will identify new sporting and health-related vocabulary, using preterite verbs to discuss their and others' previous week's activities, improving language comprehension and usage.
Sub-Topics Within Unit: Unidad 1- Lección 2 (second part): Preterite of ir, ser, hacer, ver, dar Unidad 2- Lección 1 (first part): preterite of –er, -ir verbs, vocabulary in context, culture: Los cantos deportivos.
Key Evidence and Experiences: Project, unit 1 test, presentations, quizzes, homework.
Topic: Unidad 2: Lección 1-La Copa Mundial (second part) & Unidad 2: Lección 2-¿Qué vamos a hacer? (complete)
Learning Objectives: Unidad 2: Lección 1 (second part): Students will provide health advice and discuss their previous week's activities for enjoyment and well-being. Unidad 2: Lección 2 (complete): Students will identify daily routines, applying reflexive verbs to describe actions and activities.
Sub-Topics Within Unit: Unidad 2: Lección 1 (second part): Demonstrative adjectives and pronouns, lectura: La Copa Mundial. Unidad 2: Lección 2 (complete): reflexive verbs, present progressive, lectura cultural: Vivir de la tierra.
Key Evidence and Experiences: Project, unit 2 test, presentations, quizzes, homework.
Topic: Unidad 3: Lección 1-¿Cómo me queda? (first part)
Learning Objectives: Unidad 3: Lección 1 (first part): Students will discuss shopping plans and preferences, apply expressions to convey personal and others' opinions, and identify suitable clothing recommendations.
Sub-Topics Within Unit: Unidad 3: Lección 1 (first part): Present tense of irregular yo verbs, cultura: El arte historico.
Key Evidence and Experiences: Presentations, quizzes, homework.
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