
Eva Banuelos

A Decade of Change and Opportunities for the Future

How do you think eLearners today vary compared to the eLearners of 10 years ago? 

The eLearning ecosystem has evolved over the past ten years through many technological advancements that have made eLearning easier and more effective. The most noticeable difference is the increased accessibility of technology and the availability of online learning platforms. eLearners today can access various tools and services to access learning materials, collaborate with peers, and share their work with instructors and other students. Unlike earlier, a greater variety of individuals can participate in online education – persons with disabilities, people with busy lifestyles, and those living in remote areas. eLearning has become more affordable. Consequently, students can use scholarships and discounts to help them pay for their courses (Magda et al., 2020)

Do you think that the eLearning ecosystem has adapted to better suit these individuals, and if so, how? 

The eLearning industry has adapted to suit better the needs of eLearners with the development of new technologies and services that improve the user experience. These technologies include social learning, microlearning, virtual reality, and more. Institutions have made it easier for students to apply for and transfer credits. Students have excellent access to learning materials and resources. Institutions have also created a more integrated learning experience by increasing access to student activities and on-campus sporting events. The use of adaptive technologies, such as screen readers and voice recognition software, has made eLearning more accessible to learners with disabilities. eLearning platforms are now more mobile-friendly, allowing students to access the course material and participate in class activities anywhere and anytime. 

What do you think the eLearning industry can do to better suit the needs of eLearners?

The eLearning industry can continue to better suit the needs of eLearners by increasing affordability and providing more support services. Institutions can offer scholarships and discounts to help students pay for their courses and increase access to financial aid. Institutions should strive to provide more resources and support services to help eLearners stay on track and succeed. These resources include academic and career counseling and online tutoring and mentoring. Institutions should keep investing in new technologies and services to improve the user experience and ensure eLearners can access the most up-to-date learning materials. The industry should develop more interactive learning tools and adaptive technologies to make eLearning more accessible to all individuals. Students should access more career support and resources to ensure that students transition into their chosen career paths quickly and successfully. 


Goldberg, C. (2019, July 22). How e-learning has evolved over the past few years. Online Education Blog of Touro College. https://blogs.onlineeducation.touro.edu/how-e-learning-has-evolved-over-the-past-few-years/

Magda, A. J., Capranos, D., & Aslanian, C. B., (2020). Online college students 2020: Comprehensive data on demands and preferences. Louisville, KY: Wiley Education Services.


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