
Eva Banuelos

A Personal Journey Through SWOT and Gap Analysis

When reflecting on how I could use gap analysis along with personal aspirations and goals in my everyday life, I used a SWOT analysis framework without realizing it. SWOT stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. It helps organizations think about what they should and should not do (Athuraliya, 2023). A big part of working on goals and future aspirations is having a clear picture of where I am right now versus where I want to be to plan for success strategically.

I was once committed to making dinner every day and eating out less. I remember writing in my diary about what skills and experiences I had in cooking. I asked myself on what dishes people thought I cooked better than anyone else. Such questions gave me a clearer picture of my strengths in cooking. I also wondered why I ate out often instead of cooking at home. I failed to make dinner because I was not confident that my family would like my cooking as much as food from outside. To get rid of the insecurity I had on my cooking, I decided to ask my family and friends if they enjoyed my cooking.

By receiving positive feedback, I overcame my insecurity. Nevertheless, some barriers still stood in the way of my goal of making dinner daily for my family. I could hardly get groceries at the store due to my busy schedule. My actions to overcome these barriers included ordering food online and having it delivered to the house and blocking my calendar between 6 pm and 7 pm in the evenings to prepare dinner. I also bought a recipe book to gather new and innovative ideas on cooking.

Individuals and businesses in almost every industry need new skills to stay ahead in fast-changing industries. A skills gap analysis can help individuals and companies identify potential areas for growth. This article explains how and why to perform a skills gap analysis at your company. A skills gap analysis assesses an individual’s or company’s current and future skills to achieve business goals. As a company, it helps you prepare your team for industry, customer, and strategic demands. In addition, a skills gap analysis informs employee development, training needs, and hiring strategies.

Skill requirements change rapidly in most industries worldwide. 46% of companies expect to reskill over 20% of their workforce. 54% of workers will require new training by 2022. These statistics show how urgently many organizations worldwide need upskilling and reskilling. These organizations need a skills gap analysis to decide where to invest. Organizations benefit from upskilling and reskilling beyond the growing need for it. With a skills gap analysis, it’s easier to assess your company’s potential and potential roadblocks (“How (And why) to conduct a skills gap analysis,” n.d.).

Thinking about my career gap analysis is vital to determine what steps I should take to achieve my career goals. I am currently in the process of getting a Master of Science in eLearning. I envision designing online courses and becoming an expert in this new field in a few years. To conduct a career gap analysis that would enable me to identify my current skills and qualifications to the job’s requirements, I am leveraging my experience in different areas. Some include curriculum development, language teaching, program management, translation and localization, cross-functional collaboration, customer service, creative content development, and team leadership. I am assessing my knowledge, understanding, experience, qualifications, expertise, and credentials to determine which areas I need to build upon to successfully transition into an Instructional Designer role. 

Through this analysis, I can create a strategy to close gaps and gain the necessary skills and qualifications to excel in my new career. I am considering transitioning into the role of an Instructional Designer and Technologist, and in doing so, I must identify the knowledge, skills, experience, and qualifications needed. I will have a Master of Science in eLearning, and I already have a Master of Arts in Spanish Applied Linguistics, which gives me a strong foundation for this new path. However, I will need to gain specific knowledge and skills, such as software, techniques, and tools necessary for an Instructional Designer and Technologist. 

I must also understand the organization I plan to apply to and identify gaps in my knowledge or experience. Furthermore, I must ensure that I have the qualifications and experience to succeed in the role. I am working on completing the Master of Science Degree in eLearning and managing my money better to pay tuition fees. I am also seeking mentorship and networking opportunities within my desired industry to gain insights and advice from experienced professionals. Ultimately, I am confident I will achieve my career goals and excel in my chosen field by continuously learning and developing my skills.


Athuraliya, A. (2018, March 6). 5 gap analysis tools to analyze and bridge the gaps in your business. Creately Blog. https://creately.com/blog/strategy-and-planning/gap-analysis-tools/

How (And why) to conduct a skills gap analysis. (n.d.). Retrieved March 28, 2023, from https://recruitee.com/articles/skills-gap-analysis

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